Values & Goals

Program Values and Goals for 5780 (2019-20)

Core Values:   * Belonging    * Jewish Rhythm    * Hebrew Language
Creating a warm environment for learning and growing for the participants.

BELONGING, Ketzev kids will:
*         Feel connected to one another, to our Rabbi, to our Educators, and to our Madrachim/teen helpers.
*         Have meaningful conversations within the Ketzev community (and also outside of it), that reflect the deep, Jewish learning that happens in our chavurah.
*         Experience true leadership opportunities at every age by taking on age-appropriate roles and responsibilities.
*         Model the middot/Jewish values that guide our chavurah experience.
*         Lead their community in brachot/blessings before snacks and meals.
*          Explain why we recite the different blessings for the different foods.

JEWISH RHYTHM, Ketzev kids will:
*         Initiate meaningful conversations about the Jewish holidays’ rituals, culture and history.
*          Share with their families the chavurah’s middot/Jewish values and give examples of the behaviors that reflect those values.
*         Chant Hebrew liturgy according to nusach/traditional melodies and experiment with creative tefillah/prayer.
*         Daven/chant the Amidah and Ashrei.
*         Participate in leading prayers and blessings at our children or family services.
*         Share wisdom from Parashat haShavua/the weekly Torah portion with their families.

HEBREW, Ketzev kids will:
*         Gain fluency in reading and writing Hebrew.
*         Learn Hebrew through TPR (total physical response).
*         Use basic conversational terms and everyday phrases in Hebrew such as Mah nishma?/What’s up?, bevakasha/please, toda/thank you, etc.
*         Understand and use Hebrew vocabulary words in conversation.
*        Learn Hebrew through songs and skits.
*         Gain fluency with siddur/prayerbook vocabulary.